
Our Design Principles
The primary design objective at any Border Post, is to assist with the efficiency and swiftness of traffic flow All facilities at the ports of entry will be designed with optimized traffic flow and optimal service delivery in mind.
The service delivery objectives at La Frontiere Group influence the design and layout of all physical facilities and infrastructure at the port of entry.
The Objectives are:
- Optimize the speed of people and vehicles traffic
- Promote tourism through efficient and pleasant customer experience
- Facilitate legal trade
- Increase international market share
- Increase border security
- Incorporate secure and efficient data collection and billing systems with seamless integration to current Government systems
- Comply with legislation
- Increase biosecurity, social security, information security and economic security
At La Frontiere Group we aim to efficiently balance the facilitation of legitimate trade and tourism while not compromising national security.
Due to the necessity for the integration of various user departments at a Border Post, the design element to combine administrative and other facilities for optimal workflow is a key component.
International best practices indicate that the most efficient and secure site layout for a land port of entry, are based on the “island concept” with the complete separation of arriving and departing traffic.
Freight, buses, taxis, passenger vehicles and pedestrians should follow separate routes so they can be vetted thoroughly by authorities. Vehicle passengers with nothing to declare should be cleared in a “toll gate” fast lane facility.
We always aim to enhance the integrity of the border control procedures and facilitate compliance. Processing of travellers should be done in a systematic and sequential way. This system also permits a much greater degree of control by different user departments.

Concept Building & Structures
LFG aims to design and fulfil the necessary functions required for the efficient operation of a Border Post. We take into account the aesthetics of the building and aim to always deliver quality architecture and a world class, state of the art port of entry.
The design approach for the Border Post buildings is done with the countries climatic challenges in mind. LFG incorporate mechanical and electrical systems based on Green Policy.
This includes the implementation of the latest energy preserving systems such as energy-saving measures including ventilation, shading and energy storage.
If possible, LFG incorporate the latest Solar voltaic systems in the design as part of the main electricity supply, which is backed up by standard electricity supply and UPS (generators). All lighting systems used in the buildings, are highly energy efficient fittings, supported by the use of natural light to further reduce energy consumption.
Operations Solutions
LFG implement strategies and management suitable to assist with appropriate traffic management strategies and provide management of the immigration and customs clearing processes and the most suitable technology to achieve their goals. The streamlined procedures to process the various traffic streams are:
- Correctly sized and situated vehicle parking areas and feeder roadways.
- Tailored processing facilities for current and future traffic requirements.
- Improvement and the expansion of buildings and structures to accommodate the new processes and equipment.
- The use of weigh bridges, to detect overloaded vehicles and as a preliminary means to verify the accuracy of the vehicle cargo manifest.
- Streamlining of the various clearing processes, documentation and formalities.
- The implementation of advanced cargo declaration principles to anticipate the clearing process and allow for optimized risk management and fraud targeting.
- Latest generation of cargo scanning equipment allowing faster inspection and detection of fraud and threats (explosive, radioactive materials, etc.) as per best practices.
- The use of tolling principles and equipment to collect the fees for the use of the Border Post facilities from the traffic.
Apart from the legal and prescribed Border Post procedures that must be handled by the Government authority, LFG is able to assist and provide certain functions that are required at the Border Post.
These functions can be provided at a more effective cost than the traditional methods.

Toll Collection Solution
The in-house developed revenue collection system which is based on years of experience in toll collection is utilized to collect the fees from the vehicles processed at a Border Post.
The main components of the system are:
Traffic Control Equipment
Transaction Processing Equipment
Transaction Verification Equipment
Border Post Control & Reporting System
Central Control & Reporting System
Border Post Toll System Design
The toll system is designed to maximise revenue collection and improve the processing speeds of the toll lane.
The revenue collection has been shown to increase by as much as thirty per cent (30%) with the introduction of a toll system.
The toll equipment consists of a Point of Sale (POS) computer terminal with a touch screen collector interface, thermal receipt printer, user fare display, and image scanner (for copying certain documentation).
The POS is integrated to the Exit Barrier and Traffic Light. All transactions are reported to the Plaza Computer System from which reports and cash up controls are executed by the supervisory staff.

Coordinated Border Control Management Solutions
- Project management, including the sourcing of all expertise required for the execution and implementation of new systems.
- Logistics, operational and technical support on the operations of the border control technology and system.
- Maintenance of all installed technologies and related facilities.
- Training of all border Government staff to use of the technologies installed.
The technologies and systems will be designed to allow the implementation of the Coordinated Border Management (CBM) concept that seeks greater efficiencies in managing trade and traffic flows, while maintaining a balance with security requirements. The solution achieves greater trade facilitation by combining border clearance activities in a single location to benefit from economies of scale, reduced delays, simpler clearance procedures, increased cooperation and coordination of controls, foster data and intelligence sharing and to improve control over fraud or risk management.
The system will integrate seamlessly with border management and all Government Controlling Agencies, through the creation of an ITC platform acting as the Border Posts single window system facilitating secure and real-time exchange of information between Border Post stakeholders. This includes the implementation of document flows and interfacing with Government departments such as immigrations and customs.